Low and slow cooking

Low and slow is one of those cooking methods that is employed to make meat tender and fall apart delicious. Low as in low temperature and slow as in slow cooking. Cooking temperatures are typically low and lasts for many hours. I sometimes wonder why it's not called long and low but hey ho! low and slow it is. Low and slow cooking is particularly suited to cuts of meat that are tough or have lots of connective tissue like pork ribs and beef brisket. The long cooking time slowly breaks down these connective tissues making the meat tender and easy to eat. Tough meat usually has lots of collegen and sinew which is affected in a good way by heat. When collegen is heated for extended periods above 75C it will break down into gelatine which has a much softer making the meat tender and fall off the bone. A brisket flat cured and smoked to make pastrami One of the main fears people associate with low and slow cooking is the food drying out and becoming unpalatable. Especially true for r...